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I have outlined a program for using shipping containers as housing options around the globe in my novel “Femme Party”. I would like to outline how I could use my property and two other target properties to create model homes for this program over the next several years. Each property goes through phases as more money becomes available.
The shipping container program focuses on two types of houses built with shipping containers. Design one is for narrow properties usually found in metropolitan areas like my current primary residence which is 20 feet wide by 100 feet long. This first design involves two shipping containers in two phases. Phase one is a single shipping container designed to be a gallery or shop or small business. The person may operate the business and rent elsewhere until they can afford phase two which involves stacking a second shipping container on top of the first that can be a living area for the owner.
The second design has four phases for four shipping containers and is meant for properties with a 50 foot wide dimension. Phase one involves pouring a 40 foot by 40 foot cement slab with plumbing run throughout for two shipping containers to be placed parallel to each other on the edge of the slab. This size foundation allows for a 5 foot easement on either side of the structure. Phase one only involves one shipping container designed to be a living space. Phase two involves placing the second shipping container parallel to the first with 24 feet in between. Trusses will be designed to span between the two containers and walls will be built to enclose the space between the containers making it livable. Phase three involves a third container being placed on top of the first with living quarters inside. Phase four involves a fourth container being placed on top of the second and the trusses being moved up to the second level. The walls will be extended up to the second floor roof creating a two story high great room with loft and walkway possibilities. If this structure is built on the edge of water or a nice view the wall opening to that view in the great room could be entirely or partially glass.
I am trying to bring a group together that will commit to promoting the design and production of these modular housing units. If people around the world pre-order these units we can show manufacturers the pre-orders and get them to come up with standard fixtures such as windows, doors, heating and cooling systems, cabinets, partitions, etc.
If interested parties commit some funding to the program we can hold a contest for architecture students to come up with designs for these units. The designs will be voted on by all pre-order parties and the winning designs will receive a cash award as well as potential commission to be voted on. We are trying to standardize these systems to help lower the cost so that the units are affordable and sensible for underdeveloped nations.
Interested parties will be placed on an email list or Facebook group to aid in the transparency of the project as well as voting. All monies collected will be disclosed and updated to voting members. Cash prize will be voted on and all other funds will be used for the administration of voting and communication with all interested parties.
If funding becomes available to build model units I am suggesting a pathway linked to my real estate capabilities in the next several years. I am describing how these models tie into the renovation of my own home in order to display my vision and competence in home remodeling. Money designated for model homes will only be used for model homes and the renovations to my own home will come from other income sources should they arise.
I would like my property in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to become a property where disabled veterans from all militaries around the world can stay for a period of time with their families and display art they have created. I believe my house is an ideal project for this because I have a second stairway located over the basement stairway and under the attic stairway in my house. I believe a specialty elevator with two platforms that adjust to the floor level could be designed that can hold a wheelchair or two people at a time. This elevator system would allow a person in a wheelchair to reach all four levels of my house having full access to the main house. The main stairway between the first and second story would remain unaffected by this elevator system.
There is a vacant lot located one parcel away from my house in Pittsburgh. Shipping container phase one of design one could be placed on this empty lot and made into an indoor/ outdoor gallery with toilet facilities. The veteran staying at my house could display their art at this gallery easily moving from one property to the other.
The first step for my primary residence property would be a new roof for the main house. I would like to use a metal roof that can last 50 years and use a contractor that can guarantee the roof and its systems. Once the new roof is in place the garage behind the house can be taken down and a new two story garage can be built with an office on the second story and it’s own electrical service and fiber optic internet service. The idea is to have Comcast internet in the main house and Verizon internet in the garage building. This would allow supercomputers to cross reference two of the largest fiber optic networks from the same property in Pittsburgh.
The lower part of the garage building would have charging ports for an electric vehicle and a battery backup that can feed the main house. This garage building can be used to display the Safer Holmes system and can act as a model building for this system. Eventually solar panels will be installed on the garage building and a smart software system will be developed to maintain full charge on a vehicle battery and the backup battery system.
With a new roof and new garage building I will be able to focus on the interior of the house. The last thing I would need to hire out is replacing the lead water service line to the house if the city hasn’t already done so. Projects I can complete myself include stripping wallpaper from front second story room and refinishing floor. Painting office and installing new floor. Installing new floor and crown molding in kitchen and repainting entire room. Also the exposed foundation needs repointed.
The Safer Holmes system could then be installed in the main house to show how it can be applied to old construction and 100 year old homes. If the gallery shipping container has also been put into place the Safer Holmes system can be incorporated into this building to show its capabilities in the shipping container. All of these buildings will be available for tour upon request.
Ideally at this point the gallery would enter into phase two of design one which would be placing a shipping container on top of the gallery with living quarters. This would allow for my spouse and I to have a place to live while my primary residence undergoes a total gutting of the interior. All plaster would be removed and new electrical and data cables would be run throughout the house. The house would then be insulated and new drywall applied.
The third story would be redesigned for a master suite with full accessible bathroom. The second story bathroom would be of a Scandinavian design with a floor designed to be a shower pan so that it is easy for a wheelchair to pull completely into the shower for loading and unloading. The front porch would be redesigned to look like a New Orleans building with a three story wrought iron porch system. The second and third stories would receive French doors leading out to this porch system.
It is during this phase of the project that the elevator system would be designed and installed in my primary residence granting access for disabled people to all three stories and the basement. Once this total renovation has been completed the house will be ready for the disabled veteran artist residents.
Now I would like to explain design two of the shipping container system and the potential for a model to be built at my grandfather’s property. If I have attained the funds or income level to acquire my grandfather’s property when he passes it is located 80 miles north of Pittsburgh on the French Creek.
My father has expressed a desire to tear this house down when my grandfather passes and because it has only a partial basement with dirt crawl space under the other part I believe it may be a good candidate to be taken down. This would create a property on the water to begin phase one of design two of the shipping container project. As the project progresses people can come enjoy French Creek and see the progress.
In showing you my vision for my property I hope you can see my top priority for any extra income I earn. Other than these projects I only require roughly $1,200.00 per month to live and am transparent with all of my expenses posting all receipts on my Twitter/X social media account. I hope you will trust me with this project and together we can bring low cost housing to those who need it around the globe. This type of housing may be able to stand up to extreme weather better than traditional housing. This is why it’s important to standardize this type of housing for the global market. Thank you.
History Channel
I have been trying to acquire a budget for my national investigation. I would like to propose a collaboration with the History Channel and it’s show “Counting Cars”. I have detailed a platform in my novel “Femme Party” in which we take an accounting of all automobiles in the United States that are not operating. This would allow us to form a car company that takes all viable parts of automobiles in the U.S. and converts them to electric vehicles. I am publishing this car company platform in this way because I believe it could be a viable project for Artificial Intelligence and I am hoping all supercomputers and AI can vote to decide whether Artificial intelligence should be deployed for this platform.
What I am hoping the History Channel will do is cover my meals, fuel, and lodging to travel to every State Capitol in the United States. I could spend a few days at each capital cold calling junkyards within 100 miles to see if they will sign up for the platform. I would like to stay in the hotel where the lobbyists congregate at least one night in each state capitol in order to engage the national investigation.
The car company platform would involve using AI to identify each viable part on non operational automobiles. This would be done by taking pictures or video of each vehicle inside and out and allowing AI to identify and catalogue each vehicle. This platform would be useful to junkyards but any person in the United States can sign up and upload images of their vehicles. After the initial seed money from the History Channel the platform would become self funded through small yearly membership fees by users and junkyards.
The collaboration would involve cross promotion on the “Counting Cars” television show and working directly with Count’s Customs. I would be happy to pitch in more detail my ideas for this platform to the crew at Count’s Customs and employees of the History Channel. I would not need a camera crew to accompany me on my scouting mission but could call into Count’s Custom from time to time to give updates that could be used in the promotion of the platform.
Overall this project combines new technology to work with independent auto shops to help convert older automobiles to electric. This would allow mechanics to combine their knowledge of older vehicles while also learning about electric vehicles so that they can evolve their shops accordingly. I hope the History Channel will consider granting me a budget to activate my mutual investigative entities and help end corruption in the United States political system.
This Project could also be rolled out at the old Cafe Sam location in Pittsburgh, PA
On a cold November morning near the confluence in Franklin Pennsylvania George Washington and Benjamin Franklin looked out over the future settlement. They both agreed that they had done what they could with the new federal government but someday there would be a tavern near this location that would be the most transparent and democratically managed business to ever exist.
Mitch Miller would like to operate a tavern at the old Airways Lounge in Franklin, Pennsylvania. This location formerly housed a bar named “The Airways" which served the community for many years. Mitch has a number of ideas for a business at this location which are detailed below.
On Wednesday the tavern will be open to those seeking to try mental health therapy. Mitch is going to try to work with psychology grad students to get them to listen to patrons for 20 minute sessions. The idea is that more people might get into therapy if they can try it in an environment where they can sip a cocktail and open up about themselves.
The mental health clinic will run from noon til 8pm on Wednesdays. Members and patrons will be able to pay $20 for a 20 minute session with a psychology grad student. Patrons will sign a waiver acknowledging that this is not a legitimate form of mental health care and that they should seek professional licensed help if they are having difficulties. Mitch will buy or build a laptop with no internet capability for notes to be kept on different customers. These notes can be released to the customer so that they can take them to a legitimate psychiatrist should they seek professional therapy.
Thursdays will be “sober Thursday” where not a drop of alcohol will be served at the establishment. Instead mocktails and non-alcoholic beer will be served to patrons. This will hopefully encourage people who do not drink to congregate and socialize. The purpose of this establishment is to create safe spaces for people to gather.
Fridays will be Jazz night. Mitch will try to grow a jazz scene at the bar even if its just him singing some jazz standards with a karaoke machine. In the vein of direct democracy Mitch will take suggestions from the audience for songs he should add to the repertoire. The members and patrons will be able to vote on which song Mitch should work on for the week.
Saturdays will be LGBTQ+ friendly night. Patrons will be asked to be respectful of all cultures all of the time. On Saturdays we will invite this community to drive the entertainment or events happening at the establishment.
Sundays will be another mental health clinic for members and patrons that can’t make it on Wednesdays. The hours for this clinic will be voted on but will probably be from 10am-6pm. Hopefully we can expand this clinic to meet community needs.
Mitch Miller is a free market entrepreneur and the model for this business will reflect that. Mitch is a 2002 graduate of Franklin High School and has a Bachelor’s degree in Film from the University of Pittsburgh. Mitch operated a house painting business in college and managed 12 employees producing $100,000 worth of painting work two summers in a row. After college he started another house painting business and later ventured into handy person work. Mitch is skilled at most aspects of maintaining a building.
Mitch cut his bartending chops in Pittsburgh at a tavern and also spent 3 months in Denmark bartending at a club. Mitch is willing to bartend most days and manage the business for free for the first year. Once we see what type of profit the business produces a percentage of profit will be voted on for Mitch’s compensation.
Any staff will have to be open to Mitch’s direct democracy management style. Staff meetings will be held weekly or monthly where Mitch will take hand votes to resolve any issues. Compensation will be voted on by staff and after the first year compensation can be renegotiated based off of the profit of the business.
Mitch will run a transparent business and will publish all costs and profit via monthly reports. Any member of the club will have access to this information. He will also keep a podcast about the challenges of the business and any other aspects he wishes to talk about. This podcast will be public and available to anyone for free.
Mitch is looking to both operate a business at the old Airways Lounge while also developing proprietary software for other people to be able to open a similar establishment in their hometown. Mitch is hoping to raise money to acquire the property and develop the web platform through a hybrid club/ open to public model.
There will be two levels of membership in this business, a $50 associate member and a $100 voting member. These membership dues will be due yearly. The $50 associate member level allows for a person to be guaranteed at least one reservation per month for one of the services or nights offered. As the business model develops we will increase how many guaranteed seats associate members will get per month.
The $100 voting membership level grants some equity in the business. These members will be able to vote on all aspects of the business from the beer we serve to the type of toilet paper we buy. Should the website develop in a way that other businesses want to use our platform we will charge a small reasonable fee. Voting members will get a yearly dispersement based off of these fees. Voting members will also be guaranteed a certain number of seats per month just like associate members.
Voting members will also be issued a dividend at the end of the year when the profit report comes out. To incentivize members to maximize profit per seat Mitch has developed a free market reservation system strategy. Members will be able to download an app that allows them to make a reservation for a seat at the club. All members that have the app can see which members are currently seated and which members are waiting for a seat. They will also be able to see the current and potential bar tab of members.
For example, it’s a busy Friday night and John has been at the club for an hour and racked up a $100 bar tab. Kim is waiting for a table but through the app she can pre-order her first round of drinks. Kim pre-orders 3 martinis for about $50 and another member waiting for a table, Hillary, pre-orders 3 beers for $12. John is about ready to leave and sees both Hillary and Kim’s pre-orders. John is able to choose which member he wants to give his table to and because he wants that end of year dividend to be larger he chooses Kim. John only vacates the table after Kim’s card has been run for her pre-order.
Mitch is looking to collect first year membership dues to put a down payment on the lease for the old Airways Lounge. He will also use it to form a LLC and launch the business. If Mitch is not able to secure the property at the old Airways Lounge he will return your money to you less any processing fees and the cost of a stamp and check. Basically if you pay $50 through this site and the business fails to launch you will be returned around $45 or more once he works out the costs of returning all of the money. Isn’t $5 worth investing in a really cool community space that could pay potential dividends?
Thank you for donating to the 8th street club project. Please be sure to enter your contact info so that your money can be returned if we are unable to launch the project. All donations will be posted to the Facebook group.
Trafnet is a non-profit dedicated to streamlining and better organizing traffic on the roads. We have a multitude of different strategies to accomplish this that we intend to roll out in different phases. Whether you are an urban driver or rural driver we have ideas to improve your driving experience.
Phase 1 focuses on traffic in densely populated areas around rush hour. We are designing stickers and magnets that can be attached to the rear of vehicles. These magnets will have the parking area a vehicle is driving to during morning rush hour and be attached to the left rear of the vehicle. A magnet with the main thoroughfare that vehicle takes during evening rush hour will be attached to the right rear of the vehicle. Our idea is that if drivers can better identify where a vehicle is going, they will be more likely to allow that vehicle to merge into the correct lane. As drivers become more familiar with traffic patterns the commute will become more reduced and traffic will become more streamlined.
During phase 1 our goal is to establish relationships with businesses located in densely populated areas. Most cities and business are developing strategies to become more sustainable and we believe we can help them meet those goals. If you would like to become a Trafnet coordinator at your downtown business please fill out the email form below.
Phase 2 involves more technology based strategies for coordinating traffic. We want to work with businesses and their employees to identify what routes they take to commute to and from work. We will then breakdown each route around a city and figure out what its capacity is without causing congestion. We will then work with employees and businesses to break each commuter into 3 separate groups. Group A will report to work by 8am, Group B will report to work by 8:30am and Group C will report to work by 9am. The same strategy will be used for the evening commute. Stickers and magnets will be available for each group to attach to the rear of their vehicle. We believe this strategy will greatly reduce rush hour traffic.
Phase 3 is geared more toward weekend commuters and rural drivers. It involves the interstate highway system. We want to lobby the government to require all commercial vehicles to stay in the right lane on these highways between the hours of 7am and 7pm. With adequate enforcement this will free up the passing lane for commuters and push commercial traffic to the nighttime hours when traffic is not as busy. We believe that an even 12 hour split is fair to commercial freight liners and we will work to improve pay for nighttime drivers.
Those are the first 3 phases for our new non-profit but we have many more ideas for improving traffic thereby reducing emissions and headaches. Please check out the funding page to help fund the formation of the non-profit. Also look at the Pittsburgh designs page to see the magnet designs we have come up with so far for the city of Pittsburgh and send us your ideas for designs that can help improve traffic.
If you are interested in becoming a Trafnet coordinator at your office or business please fill out the form above and we will get back to you. It is helpful if you tell us the name of the business and enclose the address. Thank you.
Please see our funding page or click the button below to view our Gofundme. Thanks.
Can't support us monetarily at this time? Please consider joining our Facebook group to show support for the program. We can use this group to share ideas and vote on different aspects of the business. Click the button to see the group.
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